Search For standing In Quotes 380

Throughout its history the international Olympic Committee has struggled to spread its ideal of fraternity friendship peace and universal understanding.

India-Seychelles relations have been characterized by close friendship understanding and cooperation.

At the beginning of the new century it is the common aspiration of the peoples of the two countries to deepen mutual understanding enhance trust develop friendship and strengthen cooperation.

Watching John Lasseter's films I think I can understand better than anyone that what he's doing is going straight ahead with his vision and working really hard to get that vision into film form. And I feel that my understanding this of him is my friendship towards him.

Often the magical elements in my books are standing in for elements of the real world the small and magical-in-their-own-right sorts of things that we take for granted and no longer pay attention to like the bonds of friendship that entwine our own lives with those of other people and places.

Happiness is understanding that friendship is more precious than mere things more precious than getting your own way more precious than being in situations where true principles are not at stake.

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding mutual confidence sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.

A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.

I have always been a firm believer in the longstanding American principle of having the right to bear arms and I will remain committed to see that this freedom is not infringed upon revoked or limited in any way.

There are few things in politics more annoying than the Right's utter conviction that it owns the patent on the word 'freedom' that when its leaders stand up for the rights of banks to be unregulated or capital gains to be untaxed that it is actually and obviously standing up for human liberty the noblest cause of them all.

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It's just us trying to start a movement where everybody passes on a bit of cooking knowledge. We estimate that one person can potentially affect 180 others very quickly so we're just trying to spread the word.