Search For outside In Quotes 229

I started running outside when I was at 'Biggest Loser.' Then I got runner's knee and thought I was never going to be able to shake it. When I overcame that and ran the L.A. Marathon it was such an amazing thing and now running is such a part of my routine.

My stepdad provided me with an amazing childhood. I played outside like a normal kid I rode my bike I walked to school but the happiest times were when I was acting.

To be honest everything in my life outside of tennis is great. I'm doing amazing projects that if I didn't have time off I wouldn't be able to focus on.

We're all outsiders in a way. We're all alone and can become very lonely.

Women are smart in business and dumb in love. They won't date outside their zip code let alone outside the city. They are city snobs.

I must try and break through the cliches about Latin America. Superpowers and other outsiders have fought over us for centuries in ways that have nothing to do with our problems. In reality we are all alone.

No harm comes to man from outside alone: dumbness is the objective spirit.

The best remedy for those who are afraid lonely or unhappy is to go outside somewhere where they can be quiet alone with the heavens nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.

Everybody past a certain age regardless of how they look on the outside pretty much constantly dreams of being able to escape from their lives.

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Even if I have to stand alone I will not be afraid to stand alone. I'm going to fight for you. I'm going to fight for what's right. I'm going to fight to hold people accountable.