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I grew up playing music and enjoying good food friends and family in my own backyard.

The thing with food is that you can give 20 people the same recipe and the same ingredients and somebody's going to make it better than somebody else and that's the creativity of it. It's like music. You could have a bunch of people playing the same piece and somebody's gonna play it better.

Doing things like playing music something that's so natural and basic to human function running around in nature eating delicious food. These things are intrinsic in basic primordial to human beings so that's sort of a way to return to a blank canvas allowing my true personality to return.

I have always maintained a high level of fitness and that is why I am still able to handle the demands of playing in the Premiership. People have always commented on my fitness and it's something I pride myself on.

I have found a flat on Merseyside and am settling down here. If I can keep playing and get back to full match fitness I know I have a lot to offer still.

Money was never a big motivation for me except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.

I am very interested in what has been called bad taste. I believe the fear of displaying a soi-disant bad taste stops us from venturing into special cultural zones.

People don't know where to place me. Terry Gilliam used me as a quirky cop in 'Twelve Monkeys' and then he hired me again to be an effeminate hotel clerk in 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'. Another time I was shooting this indie film 'The Souler Opposite' and six days a week I'm playing this big puppy dog then I come to the 'NYPD Blue' set and become this scumbag.

I don't feel I was ever a 'famous' child actor. I was just a working actor who happened to be a kid. I was never really in a hit show until I was a teenager with West Wing playing First Daughter Zoey Bartlet. In a way that was my saving grace - not being a star on a hit show. It kept me working and kept me grounded.

But just playing the partner of someone famous I had a lot more freedom.

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You can be good at technology and like fashion and art. You can be good at technology and be a jock. You can be good at technology and be a mom. You can do it your way on your terms.