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My husband is a composer so he plays piano all the time and I sit there and clap telling my unborn child 'Hear me clap hear the music.' I know music in general is supposed to be good for babies to hear.

I've always said that Adele has turned so many people on to British singers - whether female singers or just like music from this country in general.

Because of the Thames I have always loved inland waterways - water in general water sounds - there's music in water. Brooks babbling fountains splashing. Weirs waterfalls tumbling gushing.

Once I started working with generative music in the 1970s I was flirting with ideas of making a kind of endless music - not like a record that you'd put on which would play for a while and finish.

The trouble with music appreciation in general is that people are taught to have too much respect for music they should be taught to love it instead.

Music Rock and Roll music especially is such a generational thing. Each generation must have their own music I had my own in my generation you have yours everyone I know has their own generation.

Music is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes and I am Bacchus who presses out this glorious wine for mankind and makes them spiritually drunken.

Nothing separates the generations more than music. By the time a child is eight or nine he has developed a passion for his own music that is even stronger than his passions for procrastination and weird clothes.

Times were changing. Clothes were changing. Morals were changing. We went from romantic loves songs like I used to do to rock 'n roll. Now that has changed to rap. So there's always a new generation with new music.

There's a lot of music that sounds like it's literally computer-generated totally divorced from a guy sitting down at an instrument.