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It's a funny thing - when I'm crazed with work spending time with my children relaxes me. Yet at the end of a long weekend with them the very thing I need to relax is a little work and time away from them!

I've never really understood that. It's a funny thing people sometimes accuse us of condescending to our characters somehow-that to me is kind of inexplicable.

You know being relevant or coming up with something interesting funny to say about what's current is just as hard as it might ever be depending on the serendipity of it all.

I got attention by being funny at school pretending to be retarded and jumping around with a deformed hand.

Fatherhood is pretending the present you love most is soap-on-a-rope.

French Yemeni relations are strong and good they are relations depending on friendship and cooperation my relationship with the president Chiraq are old and real.

One of the surest evidences of friendship that one individual can display to another is telling him gently of a fault. If any other can excel it it is listening to such a disclosure with gratitude and amending the error.

I believe our flag is more than just cloth and ink. It is a universally recognized symbol that stands for liberty and freedom. It is the history of our nation and it's marked by the blood of those who died defending it.

Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won you earn it and win it in every generation.

137 years later Memorial Day remains one of America's most cherished patriotic observances. The spirit of this day has not changed - it remains a day to honor those who died defending our freedom and democracy.