Search For earning In Quotes 951

I had been here five years already training very hard learning about the systems the shuttle the station systems. But everything really became real when I started to work with them.

I was delighted to have lines when they came - learning lines for film isn't a problem but television is a little different because we shot those shows the whole way through.

Learning about all those different things psychologically - about grief and my own addictions and problems and stuff like that and really getting an education on it I think it was part of the process of it learning about it and trying to lick it.

I didn't have a regular school experience and wanted a more abstract way of learning. I started exploring in lots of different creative ways. It gave me the opportunity to travel and play music so it was good for me.

I'm learning with the older that I get that some feelings are just universal and that I'm not the only one who hates their hair or their life at times.

Learning how to work and learning how to fail is important.

You see that is it with music you never stop learning.

Well until this very day I'm still learning.

Our country has had a hard time learning that lesson with energy.

The relation of repetitions for learning and for repeating English stanzas needs no amplification. These were learned by heart on the first day with less than half of the repetitions necessary for the shortest of the syllable series.