Search For deter In Quotes 267

America was not built on fear. America was built on courage on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand.

I'd love to be an artist that's multifaceted. At the moment I am not. But wouldn't that be cool if I was like 'Yeah let me pull out my guitar and play you a song.' I would adore that. I am so far not gifted in that way. But I am a very hard worker and a very determined person so who knows?

We know that communication must be hampered and its form largely determined by the unconscious but inevitable influence of a transmitting mechanism whether that be of a merely mechanical or of a physiological character.

The central conservative truth is that it is culture not politics that determines the success of a society. The central liberal truth is that politics can change a culture and save it from itself.

What we think determines what happens to us so if we want to change our lives we need to stretch our minds.

My mother was determined to make us independent. When I was four years old she stopped the car a few miles from our house and made me find my own way home across the fields. I got hopelessly lost.

There are two ways to extend a business. Take inventory of what you're good at and extend out from your skills. Or determine what your customers need and work backward even if it requires learning new skills. Kindle is an example of working backward.

We have in this country a federal government that increasingly is engaged in trying to determine which business which regions which industries will succeed which will not through a whole range of economic development regional development corporate subsidization programs.

What we actually learn from any given set of circumstances determines whether we become increasingly powerless or more powerful.

The seven marvels that best represent man's achievements over the last 2 000 years will be determined by Internet vote... so look for Howard Stern's Private Parts to come in No. 1.