Search For communication In Quotes 279

I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever created. They're tools of communication they're tools of creativity and they can be shaped by their user.

Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.

Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated mistakes are tolerated communication is open and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.

Every improvement in communication makes the bore more terrible.

If we ever start communicating with living creatures from other planets the number one priority is how are you going to communicate information? Even between different cultures here on Earth you get into communication problems.

It is not enough to show people how to live better: there is a mandate for any group with enormous powers of communication to show people how to be better.

I am in favor of complete freedom of information and of free access to the new communication tools in particular the Internet.

Sometimes there is a greater lack of communication in facile talking than in silence.

Writing is a communication.

Without a possibility of change in meanings human communication could not perform its present functions.

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I would like to prove that on TV everyday lives can be as compelling as the life-styles of the rich and famous. Especially lives that we catch at extraordinary moments.