In my view far from deserving condemnation for their courageous reporting the New York Times the Washington Post and other newspapers should be commended for serving the purpose that the Founding Fathers saw so clearly.
I can see clearly now... that I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate.
A world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us.
The health care reform legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last night clearly violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on each state's sovereignty.
And if you're not going to have a clear health threat you don't want to panic people.
Research clearly shows us that the earlier women think about maintaining their bone mass and take the steps to do so the better their health will be in the long run.
In the past week it has become clear that the vote on the final healthcare bill will be very close. I take this vote with the utmost seriousness. I am quite aware of the historic fight that has lasted the better part of the last century to bring America in line with other modern democracies in providing single payer health care.
Whenever I write about mental health and integrative therapies I am accused of being prejudiced against pharmaceuticals. So let me be clear - integrative medicine is the judicious application of both conventional and evidence-based natural therapies.
All the evidence shows very clearly that if you are a member of a trade union you are likely to get better pay more equal pay better health and safety more chance to get training more chance to have conditions of work that help if you have caring responsibilities... the list goes on!
As the National Football League and other pro sports increasingly reckon with the early dementia mental health issues suicides and even criminal behavior of former players the risk of what's known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is becoming clear.