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Several professional athletes have wrongly taught many young Americans by example that the only way to succeed in sports is to take steroids.

These days the temptation to use steroids in sports has become too great for many young athletes.

Football basketball and the Olympic sports all have their problems with banned substances.

We knew it was going to be the biggest event scheduled in the history of women's sports but we didn't ever fathom we would be playing before sold-out stadiums all over the country.

Everyone I know who is successful has issues with their father regardless of whether it was sports or business or entertainment.

I did everything - I did newscasts I did sports I did dramas.

On a selfish basis I really enjoy sports and activity.

There is a huge responsibility on all of us to get England through. It would be one of the biggest disasters in sports history if we blew it and we must make sure it does not happen.

I'm a Hollywood writer so I put on my sports jacket and take off my brain.

I think professional sports football to use it as an example it's fundamentally a form of entertainment.