I'm a believer in belief. Faith is something that works - it causes people to do things it has results. It's an intangible indefinable very real thing. And it moves people sometimes to atrocity. And sometimes to survival.
An investigator starts research in a new field with faith a foggy idea and a few wild experiments. Eventually the interplay of negative and positive results guides the work. By the time the research is completed he or she knows how it should have been started and conducted.
Obedience is an act of faith disobedience is the result of unbelief.
The difficulties we face originate from one of three sources. Some are sent to us by the Lord to test our faith others are the result of Satan's attacks and still others are due to our own sinful choices.
It is only by risking our persons from one hour to another that we live at all. And often enough our faith beforehand in an uncertified result is the only thing that makes the result come true.
Feeling is the consciousness of the resulting conditions - of success failure equilibrium compromise or balance in this continuous rivalry of ideas.
Most of the work performed by a development engineer results in failure.
In our tabulation of psychoanalytic results we have classed those who stopped treatment together with those not improved. This appears to be reasonable a patient who fails to finish his treatment and is not improved is surely a therapeutic failure.
Twenty million more have Chronic Kidney Disease where patients experience a gradual deterioration of kidney function the end result of which is kidney failure.
The moral turpitude of the boys of today appears to center in their failure to concentrate on any particular objective long enough to obtain their maximum results.