Search For married In Quotes 265

I was married to someone who wanted me to change. Become more adult more responsible. I began not to like myself not like what I do. I lost my identity. Everything began collapsing around me.

If you want to be certain you should never get married. You should never change jobs. In fact you might as well just stay home. Because I don't know anybody who is certain. That need to be certain is just procrastination.

I married a pretty famous girl and when we drive through town there's usually a car following us when I walk out of my front door in Chelsea there's six guys waiting for me.

I dated a guy and he liked me but I didn't like him. I went through his wardrobe and cleaned out his house and got him to get a new car. He said to me 'If I give you $10 0 will you find me my wife because I want someone like you?' And within a year he got married. That was the first match that led to me leaving my corporate job.

My husband had a very strong identity and was successful in his life. Thank God for that. There's no way I can control him. I wouldn't stay married to him if I felt I could. I can readily take my business personality into the home. But he forces me to be a partner rather than the boss.

Married couples who work together to build and maintain a business assume broad responsibilities. Not only is their work important to our local and national economies but their success is central to the well-being of their families.

When I decided to get married at 40 I couldn't find a dress with the modernity or sophistication I wanted. That's when I saw the opportunity for a wedding gown business.

I married two weeks after my 18th birthday far too young and by the time I was 23 I was a single mother of three small children Sean Daniel and Victoria living in a prefab house.

I had arranged a birthday party for him and my children who are all Aquarians. Instead we got married. I ran out of excuses. It was just us and my children.

I'm married to my best friend!

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I do get recognized but I must say Edinburgh is a fantastic city to live if you're well-known. There is an innate respect for privacy in Edinburgh people and I also think they're used to seeing me walking around so I don't think I'm a very big deal.