As far away as you can get from the process of mechanisms and machinery the more likely your food's going to taste good. And that - that is probably the largest thing I can hand to anybody is let your hands touch it. Let them make it.
Well first let me say that I think health care reform is important. It has to be a priority. And our system is broken. The Finance Committee bill is the best effort yet due in large measure to the efforts of my colleague Olympia Snowe but it's not there yet. It falls short.
Large companies cannot finance political parties as their shareholders and employees have different political views.
Sharia has become an increasingly significant force in American capitalism thanks to the embrace by Wall Street and the U.S. government of so-called Sharia-Compliant Finance. Indeed this country's taxpayers now own the largest purveyor of sharia-compliant insurance products in the world: AIG.
If you go back to the time of J.P. Morgan the world of high finance was completely wholesale. The prestigious investment banks on Wall Street appealed exclusively to large corporations governments and to extremely wealthy individuals.
Our incomes are like our shoes if too small they gall and pinch us but if too large they cause us to stumble and to trip.
There was a real fear that a euro-zone bank might fail that we'd have a sovereign debt problem in one of the larger European economies. That's dissipated thanks largely to the action of the European Central Bank.
I have this fear of falling in front of large groups of people. That's why I tend not to wear heels.
It was pretty frightening because as we all know when large famous groups breakup a lot of the members don't survive in solo careers.
I became very famous as a teenager and my name and photo were splashed in all the media. They made me larger than life so I wanted to live larger than life and the only way to do that was to be intoxicated.