Search For grand In Quotes 236

What is sacred among one people may be ridiculous in another and what is despised or rejected by one cultural group may in a different environment become the cornerstone for a great edifice of strange grandeur and beauty.

My grandmother is this amazingly theatrical woman. She acted like a movie star as far as looks and attitude kind of like Susan Hayward.

I met my grandfather just before he died and it was the first time that I had seen Dad with a relative of his. It was interesting to see my own father as a son and the body language and alteration in attitude that comes with that and it sort of changed our relationship for the better.

My grandfather was a man when he talked about freedom his attitude was really interesting. His view was that you had obligations or you had responsibilities and when you fulfilled those obligations or responsibilities that then gave you the liberty to do other things.

Art as far as it is able follows nature as a pupil imitates his master thus your art must be as it were God's grandchild.

Mournful and yet grand is the destiny of the artist.

I'm often called an old-fashioned modernist. But the modernists had the absurd idea that architecture could heal the world. That's impossible. And today nobody expects architects to have these grand visions any more.

The preparation commitment and desire to win will be no less than the last time I drove a grand prix car in anger.

It is really quite amazing that all of the folks supporting privatization from the president on down keep invoking the name of my grandfather Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

My grandfather was one of the most amazing Baptist ministers in history he was unbelievable. He was one of the most amazing men - the most amazing man that I ever met... He lived an amazing life.