Search For films In Quotes 232

The nature of motion capture is only going to work for certain films. It's not going to put any other type of movies out of business.

The best films of any kind narrative or documentary provoke questions.

My main aim has always been to do good quality films with roles that have some substance. With Power and Beauty there were loads of things that I liked about the movie which made me opt for it.

Music as many people have said is the universal language. Of course points are made which make you think about things but ultimately it makes you feel. And that's why people remember more songs that have meant something during their life than films. They start to define periods in your life and that's kind of the beauty of it.

I've never had any illusions about being a lead actor in films because lead actors have to be of a certain kind. Apart from the beauty of looks and figure which I cannot claim to have there's just a particular kind of ordinary-Joe quality that a film star needs to have.

Films for TV have to be much closer to the book mainly because the objective with a TV movie that translates literature is to get the audience after seeing this version to pick up the book and read it themselves. My attitude is that TV can never really be any form of art because it serves audience expectations.

There are a lot of movies I'd like to throw away. That's not to say that I went in with that attitude. Any film I ever started I went in with all the hope and best intentions in the world but some films just don't work.

The great art of films does not consist of descriptive movement of face and body but in the movements of thought and soul transmitted in a kind of intense isolation.

I choose films for their artistic value. I don't need a mansion or a Jaguar. When I leave this Earth I won't take any money with me. All I will leave behind will be my art.

Becoming emancipated at 14 my life wasn't normal. I didn't have to go to school so I didn't. I was rebellious by nature. I spent my 20s focusing on my company Flower Films and producing movies. Now that I'm almost 30 I would like to try other things in lie. I'm crazy about photography and I want to take an art history class.

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It's funny having the same name as someone. Me Emma Watson and Emma Stone the amount of times I've been called Emma Watson or Emma Stone is so funny. It's just 'cause we're all named Emma. None of us look alike.