Search For commit In Quotes 303

That the work involved the willingness to take chances the commitment the opportunity to get on stage and make people happy was more important than becoming famous or even what I was dancing.

Well one of the most important things for Americans to be reminded of is that a lot of the exceptional nature of our country is founded in Judeo-Christian values that promotes individualism personal responsibility a strong work ethic and a commitment to family charity.

I for one am quite willing to join the 'forgive forget and move on' crowd but it does make me wonder if Evangelicals are going to sound believable when they say that they tend to vote Republican because of their religious commitments to the family.

Most Evangelicals claim to be politically non-partisan and say they only identify with the Republican Party because the Republicans are committed to 'family values.'

There are no adequate substitutes for father mother and children bound together in a loving commitment to nurture and protect. No government no matter how well-intentioned can take the place of the family in the scheme of things.

I've been so fortunate in my life that my family has never been jealous of my success. They have shown true love and commitment to me by being supportive. They shared in it.

In this new century our commitment to family and to faith to community and opportunity to freedom and to hope will be the light that shines to lead us forward.

Seven and half years ago I began my own journey. For me and my family it was a time of adversity. But during that adversity I derived a deeper faith. And born out of that adversity was a commitment to devote myself to those people and to those issues that truly matter to me.

I can't really put it in one sentence because although on one hand Preacher is about faith and yes it is also about I suppose the search for God the search for faith and the manipulation and the abuse committed by figures in whom I suppose people have faith.

Whoever removes the Cross and its interpretation by the New Testament from the center in order to replace it for example with the social commitment of Jesus to the oppressed as a new center no longer stands in continuity with the apostolic faith.

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The law is an adroit mixture of customs that are beneficial to society and could be followed even if no law existed and others that are of advantage to a ruling minority but harmful to the masses of men and can be enforced on them only by terror.