Search For agree In Quotes 231

I used to be a Catholic. I left because I object to conversion by concussion. If you don't agree with what they teach you get clobbered over the head until you do. All that does is change the shape of the head.

I think sometimes when children grow up their parents grow up. Mine grew up with me. We coexist. I don't try to change them anymore and I don't think they try to change me. We agree to disagree.

One of my favorite philosophical tenets is that people will agree with you only if they already agree with you. You do not change people's minds.

Reading is not a duty and has consequently no business to be made disagreeable.

Treaties agreements and organizations to help settle disputes may be necessary but they often favor the interests of business over citizens.

You do have to do business with and to try to influence people you don't agree with or find disagreeable so it's important to stress that balance.

When two men in business always agree one of them is unnecessary.

If you have learned how to disagree without being disagreeable then you have discovered the secrete of getting along - whether it be business family relations or life itself.

It is with rivers as it is with people: the greatest are not always the most agreeable nor the best to live with.

Wit is more necessary than beauty and I think no young woman ugly that has it and no handsome woman agreeable without it.