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In regard to music I just think that it's always best to have an attitude of being a perpetual student and always look to learn something new about music because there's always something new to learn.

My attitude toward graduate students was different I must say. I used graduate students as colleagues: I gave them the best problems to work on and I encouraged them.

Today's students can put dope in their veins or hope in their brains. If they can conceive it and believe it they can achieve it. They must know it is not their aptitude but their attitude that will determine their altitude.

Take the attitude of a student never be too big to ask questions never know too much to learn something new.

I was a student at Columbia College actually in the Architecture school. Paul would drive in from Queens showing me these new songs. I can't remember us working it out.

Every time a student walks past a really urgent expressive piece of architecture that belongs to his college it can help reassure him that he does have that mind does have that soul.

We can't forget what happened on May 4th 1970 when four students gave up their lives because they had the American constitutional right of peaceful protest. They gave up their lives. And to sing that song in that spot on that anniversary was very emotional for us.

Children are amazing and while I go to places like Princeton and Harvard and Yale and of course I teach at Columbia NYU and that's nice and I love students but the most fun of all are the real little ones the young ones.

Research and development needs permanent tax credits to build the technology that spurs our growth. But no government programs alone can get America's students to study more science and math parents must push and help their children to meet this goal.

For students today only 10 percent of children from working-class families graduate from college by the age of 24 as compared to 58 percent of upper-middle-class and wealthy families.

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I kind of fell backwards into acting. I was studying to be a high school teacher. I look now and I understand completely or actually barely how much work it is to be a teacher. It's an incredible amount of work.