Search For sports In Quotes 599

Companies that support sports developmental programs in our communities should also be applauded.

I come from a background of hanging out with friends and shooting videos with them with funny stuff coming out of the group. I guess we got the same charge jocks get out of sports.

We should reach out to people to try to go after the fans the way other sports do. Because we can't just depend on the fact that it is a great game.

It's kind of ironic that the two sports with the greatest characters boxing and horse racing have both been on the decline. In both cases it's for the lack of a suitable hero.

I wanted to be a sportswriter because I loved sports and I could not hit the curve ball the jump shot or the opposing ball carrier.

Traveling around it's difficult to follow much TV. Mainly I'm somebody who watches sports.

I played a lot of other sports at school and just one day the golf bug bit me and I started playing serious golf from when I was ten years old.

I'm not that clued up on the American sports yet really.

I never got into sports at all until I was in my early 20s after my music career got going.

In the States tennis is sixth or seventh on the totem pole as far as sports go.