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Our government is founded upon the intelligence of the people. I for one do not despair of the republic. I have great confidence in the virtue of the great majority of the people and I cannot fear the result.

The results of political changes are hardly ever those which their friends hope or their foes fear.

Realists do not fear the results of their study.

If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.

I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves without a master.

Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result but the cause of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.

Fame is something I think happens as a result of trying to do good work. If you're trying to be famous your work usually suffers.

The real harm of term extension comes not from these famous works. The real harm is to the works that are not famous not commercially exploited and no longer available as a result.

Soon we saw that money going to women brought much more benefit to the family than money going to the men. So we changed our policy and gave a high priority to women. As a result now 96% of our four million borrowers in Grameen Bank are women.

My kids say if there's any family dinner that doesn't result in somebody crying it's not a good dinner. They cry because it helps relieve them of a guilt or some onerous emotional burden. It's like a family tradition.