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To me the Seventies were very inspirational and very influential... With my whole persona as Snoop Dogg as a person as a rapper. I just love the Seventies style the way all the players dressed nice you know kept their hair looking good drove sharp cars and they talked real slick.

For some reason I can't explain artist and musicians tend to look younger than our age. Being in music you need this youthful sense of discovery and wonder for what you're doing and keep your imagination open. That's a youthful way of looking at life and I think that reflects in how you age.

I'm looking for a way out of here. I can't have it physically so I'm going to have it intellectually. It was a beautiful thing to ride Seabiscuit in my imagination. And it's just fantastic to be there alongside Louie as he's breaking the NCAA mile record. People at these vigorous moments in their lives - it's my way of living vicariously.

I like nonsense it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.

Dali had a good sense of humor - obviously you could tell just looking at him he was funny.

It felt as if things were literally slipping through my fingers. Things were just streaming away from me. I lost my sense of humor. I'm still looking for that.

In looking for humor keep in mind this guideline: Sometimes it takes a little time to see the humor in your upsets you may not find something to laugh about immediately.

Humor is not a mood but a way of looking at the world. So if it is correct to say that humor was stamped out in Nazi Germany that does not mean that people were not in good spirits or anything of that sort but something much deeper and more important.

If you can get humor and seriousness at the same time you've created a special little thing and that's what I'm looking for because if you get pompous you lose everything.

When they see those fourteen lights they're looking at a miracle. And deep down they feel that whatever's going to happen there will be someone there to help them. And that fills them with hope.