Search For freed In Quotes 1087

Carry out the republican principle of universal suffrage or strike it from your banners and substitute 'Freedom and Power to one half of society and Submission and Slavery to the other.'

That's part of American greatness is discrimination. Yes sir. Inequality I think breeds freedom and gives a man opportunity.

The freedom of thought is a sacred right of every individual man and diversity will continue to increase with the progress refinement and differentiation of the human intellect.

I would say that the war correspondent gets more drinks more girls better pay and greater freedom than the soldier but at this stage of the game having the freedom to choose his spot and being allowed to be a coward and not be executed for it is his torture.

With paper printed books you have certain freedoms. You can acquire the book anonymously by paying cash which is the way I always buy books. I never use a credit card. I don't identify to any database when I buy books. Amazon takes away that freedom.

If ebooks mean that readers' freedom must either increase or decrease we must demand the increase.

In the free/libre software movement we develop software that respects users' freedom so we and you can escape from software that doesn't.

Free software is software that respects your freedom and the social solidarity of your community. So it's free as in freedom.

Value your freedom or you will lose it teaches history. 'Don't bother us with politics' respond those who don't want to learn.

One of the unsung freedoms that go with a free press is the freedom not to read it.