Search For films In Quotes 232

The nerds are the ones that make the films and do loads of other really cool stuff in their life.

Sci-fi films are the epic films of the day because we can no longer put 10 000 extras in the scene - but we can draw thousands of aliens with computers.

Computers in classrooms are the filmstrips of the 1990s.

The thing I've come to learn is that what's great about small independent films is the intimacy and the communication that occurs when you're making them.

As far as I was concerned either I was a homosexual or I wasn't so making films would change nothing.

Yes sir a patrol car came and took me down to a station where they were trying to develop films but they hadn't got the facilities to develop colored film.

My mother gave me this book called Feature Films at Used Car Prices by a guy named Rick Schmidt. I gotta credit the guy cuz he gave me the most practical advice. It empowers you.

As soon as I get my car I think I'll be going to the cinema more. Since I don't go very often there are no films that are a must see at the moment. I usually wait till they come out on DVD.

Independent film is almost nonexistent right now because all the distributers that used to love to put out these little art films are all out of business right now because it costs so much to open a movie.

I learned what I really love is making films not the film business. I want to be on the set meeting with writers I want that freedom. I love it now.