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I think I've learned that if you want to be successful you have to tell your story honestly and from your heart - and I think a healthy sense of humor doesn't hurt either.

There are certain things I learned when I first started learning about acting to try and place the character physically and emotionally. And the way you place them emotionally is often with humor.

Well I certainly have learned and I hope I'm moving on and certainly two years of prison was a terrible punishment.

I have learned from my experiences in this industry that there is absolutely no way to control people's opinions on your performance in your movie. You go out there promote your film and hope people like the work you did.

I don't think I'm a great songwriter but I think I've learned a lot about it and I don't think there's any one way to do it. I don't think I can control it at all. I can just kind of hope that it happens.

There is something uniquely depressing about the fact that the National Portrait Gallery's version of the Barack Obama 'Hope' poster previously belonged to a pair of lobbyists. Depressing because Mr. Obama's Washington was not supposed to be the lobbyists' Washington the place we learned to despise during the last administration.

Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope to love - and to put its trust in life.

Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday.

The thing about being at home versus being out in the world working is it's a whole different vibe. When I'm home with my kids and partner I will cook - even though she's a very good cook. She's learned over the years. We started with basics you know how to saute onions how to saute mushrooms.

What I've learned in my life it's a very interesting social study for me to go back and forth between being the guy at home and being the guy on the road and being the guy in studio and being the guy in the interview. The environment around you has so much to do with your character and when I'm home my character really changes quite a bit.

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From kindergarten to graduation I went to public schools and I know that they are a key to being sure that every child has a chance to succeed and to rise in the world.