Search For sometime In Quotes 708

There's an easygoing nature that comes with a perspective of things that aren't as important as we make them sometimes.

Nature is often hidden sometimes overcome seldom extinguished.

Nature like man sometimes weeps from gladness.

Rest is not idleness and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day listening to the murmur of the water or watching the clouds float across the sky is by no means a waste of time.

My life so common it disappears and sometimes even music cannot substitute for tears.

It's really hard for me to sometimes put myself out there like 'Hey how do you feel about making music together?' because maybe I'm afraid of rejection or I don't want to put anybody out. It's the Southerner in me like 'I don't mean to bother you but do you mind making a song?'

There's a constantly applicable nature to soul music whereas sometimes pop music can be a periodical.

Singing is a way of releasing an emotion that you sometimes can't portray when you're acting. And music moves your soul so music is the source of the most intense emotions you can feel.

Life is like music it must be composed by ear feeling and instinct not by rule. Nevertheless one had better know the rules for they sometimes guide in doubtful cases though not often.

Singing is a way of releasing an emotion that you sometimes can't portray when you're acting. And music moves your soul so music is the source of the most intense emotions you can feel. When you hear a song and you're acting it's incredible. But when you're singing a song and you're acting it's even more incredible.