Search For selves In Quotes 886

It may be that religion is dead and if it is we had better know it and set ourselves to try to discover other sources of moral strength before it is too late.

I see no way out of the problems that organized religion and tribalism create other than humans just becoming more honest and fully aware of themselves.

Prayer is aligning ourselves with the purposes of God.

I am very proud of this work because it is more about the meaning of the Easter Rising and its relationship to what this whole century has been about people liberating themselves freeing themselves.

Well we have a good working relationship with Microsoft at the development level. But let's not kid ourselves this is a company with enormous resources and talented people and there is a certain pride that comes along with that for them and for us.

We feel unsatisfied until we know ourselves akin even with that greatness which made the spots on which it rested hallowed and until by our own lives and by converse with the thoughts they have bequeathed us we feel that union and relationship of the spirit which we seek.

For me to stay healthy in a relationship the individuals have to nurture themselves.

The value of government to the people it serves is in direct relationship to the interest citizens themselves display in the affairs of state.

Women have demanded and gotten better jobs and more power. But the one thing we deserve is a better relationship with ourselves.

Every relationship that we have in our lives - our contact with each person place and event - serves a very special if yet to be realized purpose: They are mirrors that can serve to show us things about ourselves that can be realized in no other way.