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I think track is still one of the most exciting participant sports but we haven't been able to capitalize on that excitement through television and the print media.

I don't care what they say about me when I'm through with sports. I don't want to be known as anything else in life but a great father.

I had spindly little ankles and growing up in Canada I couldn't skate. I was no good at any sports so was very much a pariah through those adolescent years.

I was a ballplayer but only for a limited time. I grew up playing in Wisconsin. It's a very sports-centric part of the country that I grew up in and I played a lot of sports but baseball first and foremost. I played through high school. I was a middle-infielder.

There is a huge responsibility on all of us to get England through. It would be one of the biggest disasters in sports history if we blew it and we must make sure it does not happen.

Growing up sports was my outlet my way to portray a personality. I was very shy around people but through sports something I was good at I was able to make friends.

Cheerleading gave me a love of sports which I brought to the Senate. I can talk to the good ol' boys about college sports because I follow it like they do.

There's steps that I've taken already and each week talking with the sports psychologist on a routine basis and working with the different programs that we're going through. This is all stuff that you can say you're going to make a difference but I'm putting it into action.

I would never encourage my children to be athletes - first because my children are not athletes and second because there are so many people pushing to get to the top in sports that 100 people are crushed for each one who breaks through. This is unfortunate.

Winning isn't everything but playing and competing and striving and going through things can be a lot of fun and really important. As long as you're doing it in a way that's healthy sports can be an incredible opportunity.

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I like to follow my favorite team and talk sports with my band or fans. You won't believe how many musicians are sports fans. We have so much time on tour that we need these outlets for relaxation.