Search For ratio In Quotes 1317

You're an actor are you? Well all that means is: you are irresponsible irrational romantic and incapable of handling an adult emotion or a universal concept without first reducing it to something personal material sensational - and probably sexual!

We must not however be like the leaders of the great romantic revolt who in their eagerness to get rid of the husk of convention disregarded also the humane aspiration.

I'm a feminist but I think that romance has been taken away a bit for my generation. I think what people connect with in novels is this idea of an overpowering encompassing love - and it being more important and special than anything and everything else.

Marches alone won't bring integration when human respect is disintegratin'

I respect newspapers but the reality is that magazine 'photojournalism' is finished. They want illustrations Photoshopped pictures of movie stars.

My father was an inspiration to me I made a few movies with him and I loved working with him. Everything about him - his whole approach to work as well as his love enthusiasm and respect for it and other people in the business - was inspiring. I was very lucky to have him as a role model.

Mexico takes a hard line on immigration demanding that visitors to her shores enter lawfully and show her respect during their stay.

I'm pretty upfront about my love and admiration for the military. One of the perks of making movies is that you get to sort of follow your own passions and I believe quite passionately that we don't pay enough attention and respect to our veterans. Not just our wounded veterans but all veterans.

For David Parker and Daniel Parker with the respect and admiration of their father who grew up with them.

I would love to have dinner with Jay-Z and Beyonce. I think we would have a lot to chat about. I like them both so much and I love them as a couple. I like that they are both at the top of their game - and that they have a mutual respect and admiration for each other.