Search For posse In Quotes 226

What you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else. But what you are will be yours forever.

I have two luxuries to brood over in my walks your loveliness and the hour of my death. O that I could have possession of them both in the same minute.

Treasure your relationships not your possessions.

Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed.

I don't need to hang out in a posse and try to act cool.

Part of Obama's persona is self-reliance. He's calm he's cool he's self-possessed. In many ways he has tried to define himself in opposition to Clinton's sometimes needy often undisciplined emotionalism.

It was used for decades to describe talented computer enthusiasts people whose skill at using computers to solve technical problems and puzzles was - and is - respected and admired by others possessing similar technical skills.

On the other hand the American public possesses a great resilience and strength and good risk communication strategies can tap into and even amplify those assets.

The thing that I've always been slightly frustrated with was that the idea of a CD is kind of confined to a material possession that you can put on a shelf. And the idea of music for me is always about both the communication and the sharing of content. And so the interactive part is missing.

This life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed with a desire to change his bed.