Search For opera In Quotes 233

Few companies that installed computers to reduce the employment of clerks have realized their expectations... They now need more and more expensive clerks even though they call them 'operators' or 'programmers.'

However even during the preparations for action we laid our plans in such a manner that should there be progress through diplomatic negotiation we would be well prepared to cancel operations at the latest moment that communication technology would have permitted.

Effectively change is almost impossible without industry-wide collaboration cooperation and consensus.

Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.

I was brought up in a car family my dad loved cars and I was taught the art of making an Austin 7 operate.

Having played many roles of scientific intellect I do have an empathy for that world. It's been hard on me because flying the Enterprise for seven years in Star Trek and sitting in Cerebro in X-men has led people to believe that I know what I'm talking about. But I'm still trying to work out how to operate the air conditioning unit on my car.

If God drives a car He'd drive a 1973 Ford LTD Brougham sedan with a claret-colored vinyl roof with oxblood leather upholstery and an opera window.

Although my family - parents and sister - all work in the personnel management business their real passion is performing amateur operatic societies and so on.

I heard someone from the music business saying they are no longer looking for talent they want people with a certain look and a willingness to cooperate.

Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business economic political and social system.