Search For laying In Quotes 364

I keep mementos from everything I've done. I've got my cab driver's license from 'Happiness.' I've got a pair of glasses and a belt buckle from playing John Lennon. I've got a pair of sunglasses from playing Andy Warhol... It's all in a box in the garage.

Happiness isn't happiness unless there's a violin-playing goat.

The great tragedy of science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact.

The conscious mind may be compared to a fountain playing in the sun and falling back into the great subterranean pool of subconscious from which it rises.

I was like a boy playing on the sea-shore and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

Our government needs to adopt a pro-market agenda that doesn't pick winners and losers but it invites competition and it levels the playing field for everyone.

We should have been there shoulder to shoulder with our allies. Our concern is the instability of our government as an ally. We are playing again with national and global security matters.

In a very weak economy when you say 'cut government spending ' what you mean is you're laying off school teachers and you're de-funding various programs that put money into the economy. This means you have more unemployed people that then draw unemployment benefits and don't pay taxes.

Now I need to take a piece of wood and make it sound like the railroad track but I also had to make it beautiful and lovable so that a person playing it would think of it in terms of his mistress a bartender his wife a good psychiatrist - whatever.

You know when you really connect with the instrument and everything just comes out on an emotional level very naturally through your playing. That's you know a great night. And I think the reason I love touring so much is you're chasing that high around all the time trying to have another good night.