Search For improv In Quotes 252

Enhancing revenues will help us improve education and solve our infrastructure problems.

Increased awareness and education could be a great help toward improving spending and saving habits and increasing participation and contribution levels to retirement plans.

Education is the silver bullet to improve this Nation's standing worldwide... and our teachers know that.

We are currently working on new policies to protect and create American jobs particularly by improving education. We need more information in order to find the best solutions to this increasing concern for American families.

The government has convinced parents that at some point it's no longer their responsibility. And in fact they force them in many respects to turn their children over to the public education system and wrest control from them and block them out of participation of that. That has to change or education will not improve in this country.

The real solution is to improve the incomes of the poor and provide their children with decent education.

Over the next two years UNICEF will focus on improving access to and the quality of education to provide children who have dropped out of school or who work during school hours the opportunity to gain a formal education!

Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.

Many of those who argue for vouchers say that they simply want to use competition to improve public education. I don't think it works that way and I've been watching this for a longtime.

I think education is both using and improving knowledge and that changes the whole picture.