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I think we're in good hands. There's definitely much more momentum in bringing in good things to help support the show. Everyone's got a good attitude about it and I think that makes all the difference.

I don't know that I have any role models now that are fixed. Definitely my mom - she's the coolest. She's worked really hard her whole life and I just think she's got a great attitude. Moms just know so much it's so silly.

There is definitely something sexy about a girl with an attitude and a pair of leather pants.

Although as a sailor I despised politics - for I loved my sailor's life and still love it today - conditions forced me to take up a definite attitude towards political problems.

That term's definitely got a negative aura to it because people think a diva is somebody with an attitude who demands things all the time. Of course there is that type of diva but my idea of a diva has always been a singer - whether male or female - who gets on that stage and captivates you with their presence and their voice.

I'm definitely doing better. I never realized that I would get the support that I've gotten from everybody - from my fans to people that I've idolized my whole life. So it's overwhelming it's amazing and I believe that everything happens for a reason so I'm in a really good place right now.

I definitely look up to Meryl Streep because she's been in so many amazing movies and I just think that she's one of the greatest actresses out there. I also look up to Jennifer Lawrence especially knowing her and knowing that she is so awesome and so nice.

Definitely they write themselves. It's an amazing experience. It's like the characters have come alive and are sitting on my shoulder talking to me telling me their tales.

I'm definitely the most tech-savvy in my family. My wife wouldn't have a clue as far as getting the computer working. All of my kids it's amazing. Like everybody's kids they're more savvy than I am probably.

I'm on an Isabel Marant kick. She does an amazing job of making things that are everyday-wearable but also special and a little bit different. I definitely like that she has a '70s western vibe. There's something that's very fun and vintage in what she's doing.