Search For bless In Quotes 225

That said the question remains: how to strike the balance between free speech and mutual respect in this mixed-up world both blessed and cursed with instant communication? We should not fight fire with fire threats with threats.

Well what was called the blessed hope of the Bible is that one day Jesus Christ would come back again start a whole new era that this world order that we know it would change into something that would be wonderful that we'd call the millennium.

A sense of blessedness comes from a change of heart not from more blessings.

Change like sunshine can be a friend or a foe a blessing or a curse a dawn or a dusk.

My health is wonderful. I work out. I'm working. Playing music. I have a beautiful wife a nice home a nice car I got money in the bank. I got three beautiful dogs that love me. Like I said I'm blessed. I survived.

The whole point of being in this business and being blessed and being successful is that you're able to do things for your friends or your family which means that they can have something special in their lives too.

I cannot stand the people who get wonderful starts in show business and who abuse it. Lindsay Lohan and Charlie Sheen for example although there are plenty of others too. They are the most blessed people in the world and they don't appreciate it.

Blessed is he who has found his work let him ask no other blessedness.

Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends for it is one of God's best gifts. It involves many things but above all the power of going out of one's self and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another.

I was blessed with certain gifts and talents and God gave them to me to be the best person I can be and to have a positive impact on other people.

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I don't believe in an afterlife so I don't have to spend my whole life fearing hell or fearing heaven even more. For whatever the tortures of hell I think the boredom of heaven would be even worse.