Search For wondering In Quotes 41

People in Oklahoma don't wake up every morning wondering what the government is going to do for them.

It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up to me like gifts from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It's my partner.

I have never been bored an hour in my life. I get up every morning wondering what new strange glamorous thing is going to happen and it happens at fairly regular intervals.

So much of our lives are defined by habit or what the guy next to us is doing never wondering and knowing who and what we support with our actions from the detergent Mom always used to my favorite dish I make... A lot of my life is unexamined habit.

Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains at the huge waves of the sea at the long courses of the rivers at the vast compass of the ocean at the circular motions of the stars and they pass by themselves without wondering.

I never refused an autograph never refused to buy someone a drink. Now I'm learning to say I've got other things on instead of doing it and wondering why.

I would find myself laughing and wondering where these ideas came from. You can call it imagination I suppose. But I was grateful for wherever they came from.

I live in literally the same home when I was swiping my first bank card and wondering if I'd have to put back the Charmin. We still don't have a dishwasher. My mom has done all these gardens so now my house looks like the garden shack in the middle of Versailles.

Most of American life consists of driving somewhere and then returning home wondering why the hell you went.

After hundreds of auditions and nothing you're sitting home and wondering 'What am I doing?'

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I think for business reasons fiscal reasons I think these cable networks can take greater risks and I think with a risk comes better programming. And I think USA has got an amazing identity to it now that is clearly defined with its 'Characters welcome' tag.