Search For wiser In Quotes 33

Even the weakest disputant is made so conceited by what he calls religion as to think himself wiser than the wisest who think differently from him.

My great religion is a belief in the blood the flesh as being wiser than the intellect. We can go wrong in our minds. But what our blood feels and believes and says is always true. The intellect is only a bit and a bridle.

Some think that by preparing to deal with crises you make them more likely. I think the wiser judgment is the contrary. In this area at least if you want peace or stability it's better to prepare for war or instability.

It's a miracle to be an actor and to know that you have a job to go to a year from now is a rare thing so I think peace of mind and financial stability come with that. Hopefully I'm a little wiser and have a little more perspective in my life than I did then.

An American monkey after getting drunk on brandy would never touch it again and thus is much wiser than most men.

Stronger by weakness wiser men become.

I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself.

No man is the wiser for his learning it may administer matter to work in or objects to work upon but wit and wisdom are born with a man.

Meditation here may think down hours to moments. Here the heart may give a useful lesson to the head and learning wiser grow without his books.

Never seem wiser nor more learned than the people you are with. Wear your learning like your watch in a private pocket: and do not merely pull it out and strike it merely to show that you have one.

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The implications of these considerations justify the statement that all empirically verifiable knowledge even the commonsense knowledge of everyday life - involves implicitly if not explicitly systematic theory in this sense.