Search For waves In Quotes 21

Life has loveliness to sell all beautiful and splendid things blue waves whitened on a cliff soaring fire that sways and sings and children's faces looking up holding wonder like a cup.

Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains at the huge waves of the sea at the long courses of the rivers at the vast compass of the ocean at the circular motions of the stars and they pass by themselves without wondering.

But marriage goes in waves. You've got to be patient. People bail and give up on their marriages way too early. They just don't put the work and the effort into it. You've got to suck up your ego a lot of times because that can be a big downfall.

Because we spoke so loudly opponents of reproductive health access demonized and smeared me and others on the public airwaves. These smears are obvious attempts to distract from meaningful policy discussions and to silence women's voices regarding their own health care.

Someday after mastering the winds the waves the tides and gravity we shall harness for God the energies of love and then for a second time in the history of the world man will have discovered fire.

Bastard Freedom waves Her fustian flag in mockery over slaves.

An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties.

As long as you don't make waves ripples life seems easy. But that's condemning yourself to impotence and death before you are dead.

Computers are to design as microwaves are to cooking.

Mental communication without verbalization... all space is made up of waves and we are constantly sending and receiving messages from our brain.

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A permanent base on Mars would have a number of advantages beyond being a bonanza for planetary science and geology. If as some evidence suggests exotic micro-organisms have arisen independently of terrestrial life studying them could revolutionise biology medicine and biotechnology.