Search For walks In Quotes 39

Music is for every single person that walks the planet.

In the morning a man walks with his whole body in the evening only with his legs.

If a man walks in the woods for love of them half of each day he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer. But if he spends his days as a speculator shearing off those woods and making the earth bald before her time he is deemed an industrious and enterprising citizen.

Property is intended to serve life and no matter how much we surround it with rights and respect it has no personal being. It is part of the earth man walks on. It is not man.

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think all the walks I want to take all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see.

Few are there that will leave the secure seclusion of the scholar's life the peaceful walks of literature and learning to stand out a target for the criticism of unkind and hostile minds.

The guys in my band are great-we watch movies we eat pizza take walks read books. Everybody has a really great sense of humor. And my boyfriend comes and visits me on the road.

One of the most obvious ways dogs can improve our physical and mental health is via daily walks.

Reading about nature is fine but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully he can learn more than what is in books for they speak with the voice of God.

God sleeps in the minerals awakens in plants walks in animals and thinks in man.