Search For vulgar In Quotes 22

I don't do marriage. I think it's incredibly naff. And I don't like vulgar displays of ostentation.

Vulgarity begins when imagination succumbs to the explicit.

Those years on the golf course as a caddie boy those people were something. They were vulgar some were alcoholics racist they were very difficult people to deal with. A lot of them didn't have a sense of humor.

In some sort of crude sense which no vulgarity no humor no overstatement can quite extinguish the physicists have known sin and this is a knowledge which they cannot lose.

Happiness is a wine of the rarest vintage and seems insipid to a vulgar taste.

Arguments are extremely vulgar for everyone in good society holds exactly the same opinion.

The fear of being deceived is the vulgar version of the quest for Truth.

Death and vulgarity are the only two facts in the nineteenth century that one cannot explain away.

True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes but the firm resolve of virtue and reason.

Vulgar and obscene the papers run rumors daily about people in show business tales of wicked ways and witless affairs.