Search For vitality In Quotes 16

I certainly notice the vitality in Belfast which wasn't there in the Seventies. There was a war going on then. Now there are cranes everywhere. There really is a sense of renewal and hope.

We need better neighbors neighbors that care about the schools in their neighborhood whether they have kids in them or not because they know that the health and vitality of that neighborhood depends on it.

I always seem to get inspiration and renewed vitality by contact with this great novel land of yours which sticks up out of the Atlantic.

The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present but it is a source of inspiration of vitality and hope where others have resigned it enables a man to hold his head high to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy.

You can measure a programmer's perspective by noting his attitude on the continuing vitality of FORTRAN.

Vitality is radiated from exceptional art and architecture.