Search For virtually In Quotes 35

Our Soviet espionage efforts had virtually never or had very seldom produced any worthwhile political or economic intelligence on the Soviet Union.

I found that our Soviet espionage efforts had virtually never or had very seldom produced any worthwhile political or economic intelligence on the Soviet Union.

Some major writers have a huge impact like Ayn Rand who to my mind is a lousy fiction writer because her writing has no compassion and virtually no humor. She has a philosophical and economical message that she is passing off as fiction but it really isn't fiction at all.

OUR history begins before we are born. We represent the hereditary influences of our race and our ancestors virtually live in us.

On health care virtually every political error that could be made was made.

It's obvious but perhaps worth saying that happiness has virtually nothing to do with the state of your intellect.

It is virtually impossible to compete in today's global economy without a college degree.

When one may pay out over two million dollars to presidential and Congressional campaigns the U.S. government is virtually up for sale.

As told in Friendship with God if we simply decided to believe and act as if first we're all one and second life is eternal it would render virtually everything we've done all our lives pointless.

In corn I think I've found the key to the American food chain. If you look at a fast-food meal a McDonald's meal virtually all the carbon in it - and what we eat is mostly carbon - comes from corn.