Search For venues In Quotes 19

Because what happens is as the economy suffers tax revenues go down. But unlike businesses where at least your variable costs go down in government your variable costs go up: unemployment insurance workmen's compensation health care benefits welfare you name it.

When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues it has three choices: It can raise taxes print money or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians all three options are bad for average Americans.

I think there's a future where the Web and print coexist and they each do things uniquely and complement each other and we have what could be the ultimate and best-yet array of journalistic venues.

Enhancing revenues will help us improve education and solve our infrastructure problems.

The London Games will be designed for the athletes and we will provide them with the very best venues and the very best conditions to pursue their sporting dreams in London.

I ain't scared to do another dating show but I ain't really trying to. I want to do a talk show or something. I've done enough dating on television. I'm ready to spread my wings and go down other avenues.

We are at a crossroads in the music business: with the rise of the internet the world we live in has changed and the past is not coming back. But I see the glass as half-full: the internet and social networking are new avenues for the next Bob Dylan to be born on.

Anyone who relishes art should love the extraordinary diversity and psychic magic of our art galleries. There's likely more combined square footage for the showing of art on one New York block - West 24th Street between Tenth and Eleventh Avenues - than in all of Amsterdam's or Hamburg's galleries.

Warren Spector is amazing and his team is as good as any in the business. Shame to see all the revenues from their game entangled with all the madness of the Dallas office.