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I wanted to be a pilot. I loved flying and I loved all the technology and the equipment and the sense of adventure that came with it. I think that feeling still bleeds over into everything I do today.

One of the things that has been truly incredible to observe though is the amount of venture investment that has gone into early stage security technology.

My mother was an actress and my voice teacher an incredible voice teacher. My biological father is an actor and my stepfather who raised me along with my mother is a psychotherapist. I was always supported in creative ventures.

Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.

The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions the mobility and flow of risk capital... the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy.

When launching a product called an Energy Drink and named Red Bull a product that stimulates body and mind it is a short step to the roots where Red Bull came from. We have been doing this for 20 years - now it's called adventure sports extreme sports and outdoor sports.

I like all the adventure sports but I like to do them in a safe way.

I would venture to guess that if I was a construction worker... who requested a transfer to another department for the betterment of his family I would be commended for it. But because it's sports there's just so much passion added to it.

Science moves with the spirit of an adventure characterized both by youthful arrogance and by the belief that the truth once found would be simple as well as pretty.

I've always felt that the human-centered approach to computer science leads to more interesting more exotic more wild and more heroic adventures than the machine-supremacy approach where information is the highest goal.

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I know from my own experience and from other people in the business that when you come from a place where nobody knew who you were and then there is this sudden shift to where everybody now knows who you are there's an adjustment that you have to make.