Search For vegetable In Quotes 39

Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.

I can't grill vegetables shellfish or steaks without tongs. Don't bother with those long-handled grilling tongs normally found in the BBQ section of your home store. Get intimate with your grill and opt for the regular stainless steel tongs.

Using lots of fresh foods fruits and vegetables helps to keep the menu buoyant - I don't know if that's the right word but it keeps a balance of freshness and health.

We know that there are significant health benefits from consuming more fruits and vegetables and that's an opportunity for us to sort of move away from some of the meals that we've been preparing in the past.

We can make a commitment to promote vegetables and fruits and whole grains on every part of every menu. We can make portion sizes smaller and emphasize quality over quantity. And we can help create a culture - imagine this - where our kids ask for healthy options instead of resisting them.

My favorite hobby is being alone. I like to be alone. I also like dancing fishing playing poker sometimes and vegetable gardening - corn tomatoes cucumbers I have a big garden every year.

I love to cook comfort food. I'll make fish and vegetables or meat and vegetables and potatoes or rice. The ritual of it is fun for me and the creativity of it.

Everything is just better in California - the wine the food fruits and vegetables the comforts of living. Even the instrumentalists are generous and curious. Everything is wonderful.

There's the issue of hunger and there's an issue of if you're going to cut out food programs. We should be focusing on healthy food. Right now fruits and vegetables are very expensive. So what can we do on the policy side to bring the cost of fruits and vegetables down?

For me food is all about balance. If you eat plenty of fruits vegetables and an appropriate amount of poultry fish and red meat that are sourced from good places you're doing well. It's important to make sure that the meat you're consuming is hormone-free.

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People are so busy dreaming the American Dream fantasizing about what they could be or have a right to be that they're all asleep at the switch. Consequently we are living in the Age of Human Error.