Search For upper In Quotes 23

Hope is a good breakfast but it is a bad supper.

I will end up with someone in the arts. I am positive. I eat breathe and sleep acting. And I'll end up with someone who is happy staying at home and having me cook supper. But I also really need to be intellectually challenged and stimulated. I want someone bookish and someone who is passionate.

It is in Rousseau's writing above all that history begins to turn from upper-class honour to middle-class humanitarianism. Pity sympathy and compassion lie at the centre of his moral vision. Values associated with the feminine begin to infiltrate social existence as a whole rather than being confined to the domestic sphere.

As founder and co-chair of the upper Mississippi River Congressional task force I have long sought to preserve the river's health and historical multiple uses including as a natural waterway and a home to wildlife for the benefit of future generations of Americans.

Upper classes are a nation's past the middle class is its future.

It's funny how the hippies and the punks tried to get rid of the conservatives but they always seem to get the upper hand in the end.

The thirst for powerful sensations takes the upper hand both over fear and over compassion for the grief of others.

Fully 57 percent of American college students are women. Life insurance companies sell more policies to women than to men. As women continue to draw on experience and education they're accelerating their numbers in upper management too.

It is easy to go down into Hell night and day the gates of dark Death stand wide but to climb back again to retrace one's steps to the upper air - there's the rub the task.

I realized that I loved using computers to create something but being an architect just wasn't going to keep me interested. The idea of a life spent obsessing over bathroom details for an Upper East Side penthouse was pretty depressing.