Search For unbelievable In Quotes 33

My mom she is the most unbelievable mom that you could ever have in your entire life and she's always with me on everything. The most I've ever been away from her is two days. I love her more than anybody could ever know.

God blessed me with two unbelievable parents and I am just like both of them. I have the smile and charisma of my mother and the big heart of my mom because she wants to save the world and help the world so I am just like her.

There is an irresistible demand to strengthen the leadership of the constructive forces of the world at the present momentous time. This is true because of stupendous almost unbelievable changes which have taken place in recent years on every continent.

Texas was such a welcoming place and with its unbelievable history and tradition it's extra special to be a part of that.

Clothes are my drug. I love Camden market - I have so many vintage pieces from there it's unbelievable. Clothes are really important to me they give me that feeling of happiness. I love being a bit free with it all and not giving myself rules.

I can't believe it's been four years now and from watching that pilot we really all looked like babies. It's unbelievable just how far everything has come. I'm happier now than I've ever been on the show and in my life. I really owe so much of my happiness to 'Glee.'

All I'm trying to do is survive and make good out of the dirty nasty unbelievable lifestyle that they gave me.

Oh God I struggle with low self-esteem all the time! I think everyone does. I have so much wrong with me it's unbelievable!

I like to use 'I Can't Believe it's Not Butter' on my toast in the morning because sometimes when I eat breakfast I like to be incredulous. How was breakfast? Unbelievable.

To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.

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They who do not understand that a man may be brought to hope that which of all things is the most grievous to him have not observed with sufficient closeness the perversity of the human mind.