Search For twice In Quotes 77

The most watched programme on the BBC after the news is probably 'Doctor Who.' What has happened is that science fiction has been subsumed into modern literature. There are grandparents out there who speak Klingon who are quite capable of holding down a job. No one would think twice now about a parallel universe.

The sad truth is that opportunity doesn't knock twice.

Christmas makes everything twice as sad.

You know I've carried a weapon for 10 years never shot anybody never robbed anybody. It has saved my life twice but I know they're not toys. I practice with firearms I enjoy shooting it's a hobby of mine and I have a healthy respect for them.

Men should think twice before making widow hood woman's only path to power.

Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.

Regardless of Bill Clinton's politics or personal life he grew up in obscurity and was elected to the presidency - twice. Don't take that away from him because then you take it away from every other kid in America sitting out there in a school bus with a big dream.

When times are tough constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world cooperation works better. After all nobody's right all the time and a broken clock is right twice a day.

Poetry has the virtue of being able to say twice as much as prose in half the time and the drawback if you do not give it your full attention of seeming to say half as much in twice the time.

Patience and tenacity are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness.

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I like to feel the butterflies in the stomach I like to go home and have a restless night and wonder how I'm going to be able to accomplish this feat get jittery. That hunger and those butterflies in the stomach are very essential for all creative people.