Search For trend In Quotes 31

It is very clear that voice communications is moving on to the Internet. In the end the price that anyone can provide for voice transmission on the Net will trend toward zero.

Movies as evidenced by a chorus of protesting and celebrating Americans influence broader trends.

The grounding in natural sciences which I obtained in the course of my medical studies including preliminary examinations in botany zoology physics and chemistry was to become decisive in determining the trend of my literary work.

I actually do think you're seeing this trend towards organizations just caring more about their brand and engaging. And so I think Home Depot will want to humanize itself. I think that's a lot of why companies are starting blogs are just giving more insight into what's going on with them.

My cooking philosophy what I try to do is to make a cuisine where the produce and the product shines compared to some current trends that are maybe more adding additional things like molecular cuisine with a lot of additives and chemicals which are now showing that they could be bad for your health.

Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinion.

China has to go along with world trends. That's democracy liberty individual freedom. China sooner or later has to go that way. It cannot go backward.

The simpler the food the harder it is to prepare it well. You want to truly taste what it is you're eating. So that goes back to the trend of fine ingredients. It's very Japanese: Preparing good ingredients very simply without distractions from the flavor of the ingredient itself.

I don't follow the food trends.

Confit is the ultimate comfort food and trendy or not it is dazzling stuff.