Search For traveled In Quotes 28

I opened my own restaurant when I was 17. I went broke then traveled around the country learning about different kinds of foods had three other restaurants that went broke. It didn't all start just a few years ago!

Well I just said that Jesus and I were both Jewish and that neither of us ever had a job we never had a home we never married and we traveled around the countryside irritating people.

I'm an off-road racecar driver. And I think every woman in my life has told me that's not a sensible hobby. But when I was growing even more than I wanted to be funny I wanted to be a racecar driver. That's all I thought about. I worked for a race team when I was 15 and I traveled with them.

The funny thing is that I'm the girl who no one sees at the beach. Ask anyone who's traveled with me. Normally I'm in so many layers I look like Lawrence of Arabia!

To be honest I've always had far too much freedom. I had a job when I was 10. I started living on my own when I was 17 or 18. I've earned my own money I've traveled the world. What would I rebel against?

The more I traveled the more I realized that fear makes strangers of people who should be friends.

I've been to all 50 states and traveled this whole country and 90 percent of the people are good folks. The rest of them take after the other side of the family.

Happiness cannot be traveled to owned earned worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love grace and gratitude.

People think celebrities don't have to worry about human things like sickness and death and rent. It's like you've traveled to this Land of Celebrity this other country.

People think celebrities don't have to worry about human things like sickness and death and rent. It's like you've traveled to this Land of Celebrity this other country. They want you to tell about what you saw.