Search For transportation In Quotes 17

What Paris has done right is to make it awful to get around by car and awfully easy to get around by public transportation or by bike.

In the United States three new methods of transportation made their appearance at almost the same time - the steamboat the canal boat and the rail car.

The United Nations four or five years ago put out a study that said the meat industry meat-eating growing meat for food is the No. 1 killer of our planet - not No. 2 or No. 3: No 1. You know what's No. 2? Transportation. Everyone thinks that No. 1 is transportation and goes out and buys a hybrid car. Screw the hybrid cars. Don't eat hamburgers.

Energy and environmental regulation transportation and broadband policy all benefit when legislators have a basic grounding in the technical concepts behind business models products and innovation.

Back in the days when the market was a kind of secular god and all the world thrilled to behold the amazing powers of private capital the idea of privatizing highways and airports and other bits of our transportation infrastructure made a certain kind of sense.

Smart businesses do not look at labor costs alone anymore. They do look at market access transportation telecommunications infrastructure and the education and skill level of the workforce the development of capital and the regulatory market.

Mass transportation is doomed to failure in North America because a person's car is the only place where he can be alone and think.

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I don't believe in writing at night because it comes too easily. When I read it in the morning it's not good. I need daylight to begin. Between nine and ten o'clock I have a long breakfast with reading and music.